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In this video, we go back to the streets of Valencia to pay the bill. See the common ways to pay the bill WITHOUT saying “la cuenta”!
In this video, you’ll see how to order coffee in Spain w/ real life examples from Valencia.
In this video, I address where I’ve been and what you can expect from me in the next 6 months. Plus a new show debuts!
In this video we continue with TRAVEL SPANISH. For me, traveling wouldn’t be nearly as much fun if the different countries didn’t have different foods. The food is one of the best parts for sure. In this video, we’re going to Order Food in Spanish!
In this video, we continue with the travel Spanish tricks. This time, at the bus and train station in Spain. You’ll learn 5 steps for handling all public transportation when you travel. And we’ll go over Step #1 in depth, with video examples from Spain.
In this video, hear how The Spanish Dude got started, and SEE (w/ real video clips from Spain) how to ask directions to any site in the world with three questions, made of seven words.
In this video you’ll get three steps to learning Spanish like a kid learns Spanish. When you’re done with this video, you’ll literally be ready to speak Spanish today! No exaggeration.
This video is the continuation of my dinner in Merida, in Mexico. This features actual video of footage of all my interactions that night. This video gives you the chance to practice your Spanish listening skills (comprehension). And you get to see how Spanish is used in REAL LIFE.
The Flashcard Strategy is used to memorize new vocabulary words. The Conjugation Strategy is for learning all the different conjugations of verbs. In this video, present The Song Strategy. One of the best ways to practice Spanish COMPREHENSION.
In this video, you’ll learn about four more “antojitos”–Mexican snacks (for lack of a better term).