Are you tired of subjunctive lessons (classes, books, videos) that make sense while they’re occurring, but don’t hold up in real life?
I was too!
I was confused and frustrated with the subjunctive for YEARS (almost twenty).
I studied the subjunctive at five different Spanish immersion schools…
I read pretty much every subjunctive book on the market…
And honestly, the more I was exposed to the subjunctive, the MORE CONFUSED I became.
Can you blame me?
ENDLESS LISTS of words and phrases that supposedly “trigger” the subjunctive... but not always!
So many RULES and ACRONYMS… with just as many EXCEPTIONS.
To make matters worse, all those teachers, videos, websites and books often CONTRADICTED each other.
And adding insult to injury--after all that, it STILL seemed like half the subjunctive situations I encountered in the real world weren’t even mentioned in any of the websites, videos and books.
It was maddening!
So... if YOU’RE confused and frustrated with the subjunctive…
You’re not alone...
It’s not your fault...
And I've got some GOOD NEWS for you...
The “4 Buckets System” is a reliable system for deciding when to use the subjunctive (and when not to)... that actually holds up in real life.
Every potential subjunctive situation fits into one of four "buckets".
One of the buckets is "Expressions & Exceptions" (which just have to be memorized).
But then, in each of the remaining three buckets, there's a UNIQUE TEST we can apply to decide whether to use the subjunctive or not.
In short, the “4 Buckets System” has two steps:
Figure out which bucket a situation fits into (using an easy TRICK I give you).
Apply the appropriate TEST to decide whether to use the subjunctive or not.
And, I’m telling you… this actually holds up in REAL LIFE.
As a teacher and businessman, my only goal is:
What I teach you matches what you see in real life.
FOUR buckets?
TWENTY buckets?
Doesn’t matter to me.
REALITY is all that matters to me.
And, in reality, after seeking out subjunctive examples in countless newspapers, books, TV shows and movies, I can confidently tell you:
Do you dream of dazzling your friends or family members with your expert use of the subjunctive?
Do you fantasize about not ever having to worry about the subjunctive again?
Are you sick of wasting time on subjunctive lessons that don't hold up in real life?
Do you yearn to dump all the ad hoc "crap" in exchange for a RELIABLE, SIMPLE system that actually works?
Do you want to skip the years of frustration that most Spanish learners (including me) have to spend to get the subjunctive straight?
Then, today's your lucky day!
WARNING! This workshop
isn’t for everybody.
If you’re looking for one of those scammy magic bullet, “Become Fluent in 3 Months” type things, this isn't for you.
Even though the “4 Buckets System” is SIMPLE, it’s not EASY (not at first, at least).
The subjunctive is complicated. It takes time to learn the “4 Buckets System”. Then, lots of exposure and practice to ingrain it into your subconscious (where it needs to be).
If you're looking for MAGIC without putting any effort in, again, this isn't for you.
But... if you want a step-by-step strategy that'll transform your Spanish (and you're willing to work for it) -- the "Subjunctive Workshop" will change the course of your Spanish journey forever!
This is NOT just another regurgitated WEIRDO lesson.
Most Spanish-teaching resources tell us about WEIRDO, then call it a day. They leave it at that!
WEIRDO is an acronym designed to help us decide when to use the subjunctive.
I never liked WEIRDO.
It didn’t cover nearly as many situations as the teachers and books implied it would--and it even seemed downright WRONG sometimes.
WEIRDO left me unprepared, confused and frustrated.
And, now I know why.
Turns out, WEIRDO was only designed originally to help us decide when to use the subjunctive in ONE of the FOUR buckets.
But, most Spanish-teaching resources INCORRECTLY tell us (or imply) that it works for the subjunctive IN GENERAL.
It doesn't.
That's one reason WEIRDO doesn’t cover nearly every situation. It's not designed to!
And that's one reason why WEIRDO often leads us to the wrong choice. When we use it in the wrong situations, it gives us the wrong answer!
Not to mention the amount of contradictions and exceptions is mind boggling.
All that to say... the “Subjunctive Workshop” is NOT just another regurgitated WEIRDO lesson (though we will talk about WEIRDO).
Also, the goal of the “Subjunctive Workshop” is to help you decide WHEN to use the subjunctive, NOT to help you memorize all the conjugation patterns (which you can do on your own time).
We WON'T be going over all the subjunctive conjugation patterns in great detail.
If you're already familiar with them, great, but that's not required. You'll be able to follow along even if you don't know the subjunctive conjugation patterns yet.
All classes are delivered
February 24th to February 28th,
(Monday through Friday).
Classes at start at the following times:
Classes will last between
90 minutes and two hours.
Here's some glowing feedback from last year’s attendees!
"I’ve never seen your approach in all my years of studying and teaching Spanish. I don’t remember any professor I've ever had teaching the Subjunctive this way. Your 4 bucket system made this SO much easier to categorize in my ADHD brain. The workshop was well researched and constructed. Thanks for doing the hard work to make the Subjunctive not so scary!!" Sarah W.
"This workshop was great, great, great! I loved everything about it. Jordan has a unique talent to take something as complex as the subjunctive and distill it into being understandable and practical. The classes were extremely well organized, and the worksheets were clear, succinct, and useful. His enthusiasm and confidence were contagious and inspiring. I won’t hesitate for a second to attend any of his workshops." Judy M.
"No one has ever explained the subjunctive to me the way Jordan did. His four bucket process was mind-blowing and eye opening. He's nailed the subjunctive moods and given me concrete methods to improve my problem areas. I am so grateful for his dedication to the Spanish language." Kelli D.
"I was struggling with the subjunctive, watching countless Youtube videos, reading books, but it has always felt like I was punching into the fog. With Jordan’s “Four Bucket” approach I’ve been given a firm framework to focus my efforts. Learning the subjunctive will never be easy and will probably be a life-long journey, but now I feel my road is better defined." Tom M.
"This workshop totally lived up to the description. No one has ever simplified the subjunctive for me in such a useful way. With almost three years of Spanish and at a fairly conversational level, I was still unsure of so many possibly subjunctive situations. I can't wait to try out this new system while talking with my tutors! Thank you Jordan!" Elaine O.
"The Subjunctive Workshop was immensely helpful. Jordan thought of a new clever, straighforward way to identify when the subjunctive should be used. I always like his sparky, lively style and this was in evidence como siempre. I liked the examples, being a big fan of Better Call Saul. Well done, Jordan, I look forward to future workshops." Angela L. (Ireland)
Here's the deal...
You get ALL-ACCESS to this brand-new LIVE, one-week workshop.
Every class is delivered via ZOOM and there will be opportunities for questions.
You'll have LIFETIME access to all the recordings and all the practice materials.
Plus, you're fully backed by my 90-Day, "Test It in Real Life" Money Back Guarantee.
The investment?
One time.
I'm so confident in the "4 Buckets System" and the "Subjunctive Workshop," I offer you this crazy guarantee:
Attend the workshop, then go out in REAL LIFE and put what you learned to the test! If what I show you doesn't hold up, let me know within 90 days, and I'll refund all your money back to you. No questions asked.
The first live class is Monday, February 24th @ 5pm NYC time.
The workshop happens throughout the week; every class is recorded and available for lifetime access.
You'll have lifetime access to every minute of the program. So, if you can't make it live or have to leave early, you can breathe easy knowing I've got you covered.
Classes will last between 90 minutes and two hours.
YES! I personally lead every class!
However, this is not a personal, 1-on-1 program, which means it doesn't include direct access to me.
Yes, absolutely!
I'm so confident in the "4 Buckets System" and the "Subjunctive Workshop," I offer you this crazy guarantee:
Attend the workshop, then go out in REAL LIFE and put what you learned to the test! If what I show you doesn't hold up, let me know within 90 days, and I'll refund all your money back to you. No questions asked.
Kinda. If you're not familiar with all the normal conjugation patterns (present, preterite, imperfect, future, conditional, perfects, progressives) -- you won't be able to fully take advantage of this workshop.
You don’t have to know them perfectly. You don't have to know all the irregulars. But, it's better if you're at least familiar with the normal conjugation patterns (indicative).
One payment.
"I am so thankful for Jordan The Spanish Dude! Jordan is brilliant. I’ve been studying Spanish for about three years now. Until now, I avoided the subjunctive. However, when I learned about Jordan’s workshop, I signed up right away. It was worth every penny. I so appreciate how he takes complicated grammar and presents it in a very understandable and user friendly way! Thank you so much!" Gunnar H.
"I wasn't able to be there live but I easily followed along with the recording and materials the next day. Jordan did a great job of breaking down how he was able to digest this tricky "mood" of speaking. I tend to shy away from the subjunctive but I can understand it more now, learning how to identify if and when the subjunctive should be used. Thanks Jordan!" Janine P.
"I thoroughly enjoyed the 5-day Subjunctive workshop and was sorry to see it end. Jordan made everything clearer and simpler while still expanding it to encompass every possible use of the subjunctive. Jordan is a great teacher. He's articulate and his enthusiasm and honesty is inspiring. I can honestly say that it was FUN-- I looked forward to it every morning!" Andrea L.
"This workshop on the subjunctive was so helpful! After years of trying, it was so helpful to have an overarching strategy presented in a logical and straightforward way. Can't say enough about Jordan's teaching style - he has such a wonderful way of presenting the structure of the Spanish language to us English speakers." Joby D.